Monday 18 May 2015

Newsletter May 2015

Now that the Conservatives are free of the Coalition, they have stated that
We will halt the spread of onshore windfarms
Onshore wind now makes a meaningful contribution to our energy mix and has been part of the necessary increase in renewable capacity. Onshore windfarms often fail to win public support, however, and are unable by themselves to provide the firm capacity that a stable energy system requires. As a result, we will end any new public subsidy for them and change the law so that local people have the final say on windfarm applications. (from Conservative Party Manifesto)
Although we will have to wait and see if this actually happens, it is just possible that we might finally be reaching the end of a very long tunnel!
It is also worth noting that the manifesto refers specifically to 'windfarms' and may perhaps not apply to single turbines which are becoming an increasingly serious issue in some parts of Cumbria.  We'll see.
On the local front, in Allerdale it has been relatively quiet so far compared to previous years.  This may perhaps be the result of the Local Plan 'bedding down.'  The Council has, however, received a significant number of screening requests within the past couple of weeks.  Many of them have been submitted by the same agent.
These are not full applications but simply an early approach by a potential applicant or agent to inquire whether a full Environmental Impact Assessment would be necessary if a wind turbine were to be applied for at a particular location.  It is therefore premature to submit a detailed objection at this early stage.
As there have been so many of these requests distributed so widely across Allerdale, we are inserting the links here so that our members can see where there might potentially be trouble brewing.  This might serve as a sort of 'early warning signal'
Bolton Park Farm Access Road To Bolton Park, Mealsgate
Land east of Dovenby Craggs, Dovenby
Land east of Reathwaite Farm, Brocklebank
Land west of Bothel Parks, Bothel
Land to the South East of Lonning House, Threapland
Land near Branthwaite Edge, Branthwaite
Broom Park, Kirkbride
Thwaites Farm, Welton
Lucy Close Farm, Branthwaite
Land to west of Eaglesfield, Greysouthen
Also in Allerdale, a Public Inquiry into the proposed development of a wind farm consisting of four turbines at Lillyhall Landfill Site, Workington, commenced on 14th April.  Although the appeal site is located within Allerdale, it is Cumbria County Council that is the Planning Authority defending the decision to refuse the development.
This particular appeal has been 'recovered' by the Secretary of State.  So, whilst the Planning Inspector will write a report based on the evidence heard at the Inquiry, the final decision will be a ministerial one.
FORCE members in Eden have asked for additional objections to an application for two 45m wind turbines which would be located on farmland to the north of Berrier Road, Penrith.  To view the details of this application, please click on the following (rather tortuous) link:
If you wish to object, please click on the 'comment' option. You will be asked to fill in your name and address etc. Don't forget to tick the box which confirms that your comment is an objection to the application!

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